Why Afghans Hate Pakistan - Afghanistan History Explained By Historian

Why Afghans Hate Pakistan - Afghanistan History Explained By Historian

  • 📍 Afghanistan's Pashto population forms a significant part of the country.
  • 📍 The Durand Line was drawn in 1893 to separate Pashtoons in Afghanistan and British India.
  • 📍 The British policy aimed at maintaining Afghanistan as a buffer state against potential Russian invasion.
  • 📍 Pashtoons value their independence, leading to historical tensions with the British Raj.
  • 📍 Pakistan's policy toward Afghanistan is driven by insecurity and concerns about territorial claims.
  • 📍 Pashtoons prioritize honor and revenge, which is deeply ingrained in their culture.
  • 📍 Pashtoon hospitality dictates that even enemies seeking refuge must be given shelter and sustenance.
  • 📍 Afghanistan's history is marked by numerous invasions, contributing to generational trauma and a resilient way of life.