Top 30 Tourist Attractions in USA

 Top 30 tourist attractions in USA

  1. Grand Canyon National Park
  2. Yosemite National Park
  3. Yellowstone National Park
  4. Niagara Falls
  5. Las Vegas Strip
  6. Times Square
  7. Mount Rushmore National Memorial
  8. Universal Studios Hollywood
  9. Disney World
  10. Kennedy Space Center
  11. Statue of Liberty
  12. Hollywood Walk of Fame
  13. Golden Gate Bridge
  14. Washington Monument
  15. Seattle Space Needle
  16. New Orleans French Quarter
  17. The National Mall
  18. The Alamo
  19. The Las Vegas Strip
  20. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  21. The Florida Keys
  22. The Grand Tetons
  23. The Great Lakes
  24. The Everglades
  25. The Outer Banks
  26. The Ozarks
  27. The Adirondacks
  28. The Great River Road
  29. The Route 66
  30. The Mackinac Island

Please note that this list is not in order of importance, and some attractions may be missing. Additionally, the United States is a vast country with many other amazing tourist destinations that could be added to the list.