you measure my life in hours and i serve you by dying. i'm tall when young and short when old | Chasing Carmen Digital Escape Room

Q: you measure my life in hours and i serve you by dying. i'm tall when young and short when old

Ans: picket

1. Marble Puzzle

The number 2 on the clock is represented by the red marble. Using the number to you get: Blue (1) + Blue (1) = Red (2)
Red (2) + Blue (1) + Blue (1) = Green (4)
Green (4) + Red (2) = Blue (1) + Yellow (5)

Yellow (5) + Green (4) = Red (2) + Purple (7)
Put those numbers in correct order to get the answer.
Answer is: 17452
2. Book Puzzle

If you find the spine with the word “
Hardy,” there is a 4-digit code, 4361, on the spine. Add that number to itself, and that is the answer.

Answer is: 8722

3. Number Puzzle

You know right away that 2, 8, 5 are not in the answer. Leaving 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 as potential numbers.

Based on the 1st and 2nd clue, you know that either 6 or 4 can be part of the answer, but not both of them at once. Since the 6th clue says that two number are correct, it means that 3 is in the answer.

If 3 is in the answer, then the 5th clue rules eliminates 4, since only one number is correct. Meaning, by process of elimination, 6 is in the answer.

If you look at the 2nd clue, you can determine that 6 is in the correct spot, since 4 and 5 are not in the answer.

If you look at the 5th clue again, you know that 3 is in the answer, but it is in the wrong position there. Since we know that 6 is the last number of the answer, and 3 cannot be in the middle position, then 3 can only be the first number. So you now know where 3 is located as well.

If you look at the 4th clue, you know that 5 is not in the answer. So that leaves 7 and 1. The clue says the right number is in the wrong position. Since you already know what the first number and last number are, that means 7 cannot be correct or the clue would say it was in the right position. That leaves only 1 as our final number in the answer.

Answer is: 316

4. Red Room Puzzle

The item in the riddle is a candle.
If you click on the candle in the red room, you will be redirected to a cipher. If you use the cipher to translate the code on the page with the riddle, you will get the answer.

Answer is: picket


5. Cupcake Puzzle

The sprinkles on each cupcake match a specific letter, ordered 1-5 and matched by color. The cupcakes should also be placed in order. If you do this, you get the following:
Cupcake 1 = letter 1 = c
Cupcake 2 = letter 2 = a

Cupcake 3 = letter 3 = t Cupcake 4 = letter 4 = c Cupcake 5 = letter 5 = h

Answer is: catch
6. Color Dot Puzzle
If you follow the colors in order going on in the directions stated, you get the message: “The answer is mole” Answer is: mole
7. Hidden Puzzle

There are the following number of hidden objects: Car = 2
Bird = 3
Leaf = 4

Grasshopper = 1
If you look at the chart, the amount of copies for each object is associated with a letter: 2 Car = G
3 Bird = E
4 Leaf = A
1 Grasshopper = T
If you put these letters in order of the objects in brackets, you will get the answer.

Answer is: gate
8. Game Board Puzzle

The blue track is Stockholm to Wien, which is 11. The yellow track is Athina to Angora, which is 5. If you add those numbers together, you get 16. The word on the Scrabble board that equals 16 will get you the answer.

Answer is: pages 

9. Reflection Puzzle

Ignoring the reflection, you should get the answer.

Answer is: n7fmavx1